
Workplace ReImagined

Workplace eXtended

Workplace unBounded

Imagine a world and a time in our existence where things changed in how we work, how we interact with our colleagues, how we access our computer systems, how we attend meetings, how we have to do more simply by being at home and continue the business excellence needed to sustain in today’s working landscape.  Welcome to today…

ConneXion was conceived and built in 2018.  A team of life sciences and computer professionals launched a product that was years ahead of what the industry needed and was even asking for.  In the blink of an eye, COVID changed that paradigm.  Please view our web-site and see how ConneXion has built solutions for today’s workplace.

Introducing ConneXion

About ConneXion  – We started with a mission to make the workplace a more natural environment. We live and in a multi-dimensional world but then we go back to a two-dimensional computer devices to communicate, to learn, to think. Smart Glasses, using Mixed Reality, give us the base technology we need to reimagine how we operate and process in a more natural, 3-dimensional environment.  By combining smart glasses with cloud infrastructure, enterprise content and artificial intelligence, we are helping companies rethink their collaboration, training and operational requirements.

By focusing on industry sectors that the company’s founders know well; and with over 25 years of experience in biotech, medical devices and manufacturing, we have targeted solutions that can quickly demonstrate the value of smart glasses in an organization to solve today’s and tomorrow’s business needs.

Procedural Activities

        • Warehouse inventory management
        • Equipment setup, installation and startup
        • Calibration, maintenance and troubleshooting
        • Building and environmental maintenance and monitoring

On-Demand Content and un-structured Activities

        • Virtual / Remote Training as needed
        • Remote Assistance, Expert and Quality Oversight
        • Team and spatial virtual collaboration

Virtual Training with ConneXion

“When traveling is prohibitive, you can’t be next to the equipment or simply want a reimagined experience.”

Training with no Boundaries

        • Virtual and Remote Learning – Self-Paced.  Train on your equipment as though you were sitting next to it
        • Instructor Led (IL) Training – Train with an instructor or watch through the eyes of a virtual teacher
        • On the Job (OTJ) Training – Virtually train on-site, equipment side, or in a training facility
        • Better Learning Retention
        • Consistent Curriculum
        • Instructor and Management Supervisors can observe through the eyes of the trainee

Operations with ConneXion

“Manufacturing Operations, Facilities Management, BMS, MES and EBR platforms.  Conduct business using ConneXion to assure compliance, provide structure, guided work instructions and process integrity.”

Operational Activities include:

      • Warehouse inventory management
      • Equipment setup, installation and startup
      • Calibration, maintenance and troubleshooting
      • Building and environmental maintenance and monitoring
      • Any equipment SOP to be followed, etc.

Remote Expert with ConneXion

“Remote Expert is a concept technology that enables process and product experts to remotely visually guide and collaborate with customers and on-site operators.”

Accessibility with no Boundaries

      • Emergency Maintenance & Remote Troubleshooting
      • On-Site and On-Demand Training 
      • Review and Quality Audit observation
      • Conduct remote Business processing (Warehouse inventory in this use case)
      • Be on-site without having to travel, create a virtual team to observe remote operations
      • Reduce / eliminate travel costs
      • Management, Quality and Staff Supervisors can observe through the eyes of the trainee